Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Alan Turing and Colossus

Today , I shall dedicate this article to the father of Computer Science , Alan Turing . Let us begin on a funny note. As a legend goes , it is said that Alan Turing entered into the field , after having suffered a loss in his love life.

One of the most crucial achievements of Sir.Alan Turing , was the deciphering of the Enigma code , of the Germans , which helped , in saving millions of innocent lives , during the  second world war.

Let us  learn about the ENIGMA , before proceeding to the  " Colossus " , which broke the ultimate code .

Quoted : 
"During the 1920s, the Germans created the "Enigma code" machine, which led them to believe that their coded messages concerning military and other top secret operations were beyond being decoded. The machine, which resembled a typewriter, was capable of doing millions of calculations in milliseconds, and the secret codes that controlled them were regularly changed everyday."

Let us now proceed , to the Colossus :

Quoted : 
"Turing undertook the construction work of a special-purpose electronic machine all the way. In January 1943, he headed up a team of scientists whose specific goal was to try to break Enigma code. To do so, the team developed a computer – called the "Colossus" comprising 1,500 vacuum tubes."

Some pictures :

Ref for images : 1)

Reference :  Colossus Computer and Alan Turing: Machine that Broke the Enigma Code and the Cryptographer Behind it

Posted By :
Jayanthi GM(Course Instructor Java,PESIT)
Prashanth Raghu (Student Assistant)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

R-Trees and it's significance in Spatial Databases

R-trees , are a variant of B-trees which are extremely efficient , for spatial databases , as their structure and oraganisation , greatly has a lot of implied order and spatial relations.

R-trees , are also called as MBR trees( Minimum Bounded Rectangle ) .  Their way of indexing and searching mechanisms , greatly resemble with that of B-Trees , wherein , we start at the root node and proceed to the leaf node , which contains the actual node information. In R-Trees , the search begins , at the periphery of the outermost rectangle. The search proceeds to the rectangle , which bounds the rectangle , to be searched at the next level , until the rectangle is actually found.

Insertion , always occurs at the node , which has the least number of nodes. If their exists a conflict , the node is added at the node , which contains the minimum area .

IBM ' s Informix database , uses R-tree in it's indexing mechanism.

For a complete overview,
Visit :
For a simple demonstration,

Posted By,
Jayanthi GM (Course Instructor Java , PESIT)
Prashanth Raghu ( Student Assistant)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Live Locks

livelock is similar to a deadlock, except that the states of the processes involved in the livelock constantly change with regard to one another, none progressing. Livelock is a special case of resource starvation; the general definition only states that a specific process is not progressing.
A real-world example of livelock occurs when two people meet in a narrow corridor, and each tries to be polite by moving aside to let the other pass, but they end up swaying from side to side without making any progress because they both repeatedly move the same way at the same time.
Livelock is a risk with some algorithms that detect and recover from deadlock. If more than one process takes action, the deadlock detection algorithm can repeatedly trigger. This can be avoided by ensuring that only one process (chosen randomly or by priority) takes action.

Posted By,
Jayanthi GM (Course Instructor Java , PESIT)
Prashanth Raghu (Student Assistant)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Importance of POSIX Standards

It is common for us to complain about the POSIX standards which we are made to mug up at the UG level . But ,this apart we need to understand the importance of such standards . Really very interesting application . I shall avoid going into the technical details and provide the link to the application .

Friday, February 26, 2010

What are Interpreted Languages ???

A special mention about Sachin's knock on my article for the day , one thing that is ordeal with him has to be his continued passion for the game , for the past 20 years.

So let us cont.

Programming Languages , are classified on various aspects :

1) Fundamentally on design concepts :
    a) Object - oriented.
    b) Procedure - oriented.
    c) Function - oriented.

2) Type of runtime , as Interpreted or host-dependant compiler schemes.

 In Interpreted languages , the output of the compiler , is not directly to be hosted on a machine , for execution , instead it converts the source program , into a intermediate - form ,which is usually executed , by a "virtual-machine".

Some Examples:
Java , Python , Ruby , PHP ,Perl etc..

The main reason , for resorting , to interpreted languages , is the need for portability of programs.

They are inavoidably slow , as the execution , is under the supervision of  the virtual machine.

For a complete list of all interpreted languages visit:

Posted By:
Jayanthi GM(Course Instructor , Java @ PESIT)
Prashanth Raghu(Student Assistant)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pointers in python

Hello guys , here is a small note on pointers in python . For all those unfamiliar with python , it is a interpreted , scripting , object - oriented and high level programming language , developed on C.


Python , adopts a model , which is to be precise , very similar to java , ie all references , to objects are treated as pointers , but with very limited functionality over their addresses.

The following points , will clarify the concept presented above:

1) All objects in python , are references to memory locations and an assignment , such as a=b, assigns a reference of location of b to a.
But , in python , there is no explicit pointer arithmetic , very similar to java. The operations on the references , are well bound by the address of the pointed location of memory.

2) In python parameters , passed to functions , very similar to the assignment statement mentioned before.

3) In python , primitive types ,such as (int,str,tuple), are treated as immutable , such that their memory locations , cannot be modified , by accidental references.

Posted By:
Jayanthi GM(Course Instructor , Java ,PESIT)
Prashanth Raghu (Student Assistant)

Installing Ruby on Linux

This post talks about the installation , of ruby on debian and rpm based systems.

On debian systems:
On debian systems , the default package manager is the aptitude package manager.
Ex: Ubuntu , debian , Sedux etc ..

Command to install:
[]$sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-full

On RPM based systems:
The default package manager is the RPM -> Red Hat Packager manager.

Refer to this link :

Posted By:
Jayanthi GM(Course Instructor , Java , PESIT)
Prashanth Raghu (Student Assistant)

Interactive online ruby Interpreter

Hi guys today , the web is being revolutionised , by technologies , such as PHP and Ruby . To try out ruby , on your browser ,

An interesting fact not to be missed , Ruby was developed by the Japanese.

Posted By:
Jayanthi GM(Course Instructor , Java , PESIT)
Prashanth Raghu(Student Assistant)

Most popular programming language

Hi everyone , in this age of web it is not surprising to note that more and more programmers are tending towards , web programming technologies.
A sample survey by , shows the following result as of 23/02/2010.

  • Java -- 5702 votes
  • C/C++ -- 41053 votes
  • PHP -- 55398 votes
  • C# -- 3167 votes
  • VB -- 33841 votes
  • Python -- 5319 votes

Nice change , swing towards web programming languages.

Posted By:
Jayanthi GM(Course Instructor Java , PESIT)
Prashanth Raghu (Student Assistant)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

It is a mobile story -> Google's Android

When google comes up with a new product , it always has it's own distinct flavour and substance . Here is an article about the acquisition aspect of google.

We all know or have definitely heard about the Android, the mobile OS of google.
The one fact , we need to learn is that , Android Inc. was a small firm working in mobile OS , and was acquired by Google in 2005. Google , later went on to make the open mobile alliance , consisting of 47 companies , from hardware , software and telecommunication streams .

Android applications ,are developed in Java , through the libraries provided by Google.

So here we go , something in favour of start up's.

Posted by,
Jayanthi GM(Course Instructor , Java ,PESIT)
Prashanth R (Student Assistant)

The Sun finally sets down OOOracle

Today , as I script this page ,  I am internally feeling a sense of voidness . One of my favorite companies , none other than sun microsystems , has been acquired by the software giant , Oracle . The link , no longer leads you to the website , we are familiar to , but to oracle's page , which indicates the merger of the giants . Let us hope , Oracle keeps up it's promise , and maintains the standards and quality , provided by sun , for such a long time.

We miss you , may the sun never set upon you.

Posted by,
Jayanthi GM(Course Instructor , Java PESIT)
Prashanth Raghu ( Student Assistant )

Saturday, February 20, 2010

MultiHeaded python - Threading in python

Hi guys , as a student of multicore programming , I was just curious about threading facilities in higher level programming languages like python . So just revoking on the idea , I did find a good small ping application , using python.

Here is the source code : try it and make the changes to suite your local network.
I have made a comment , which shall help you .

original source :

import os
import re
import time
import sys
from threading import Thread

class testit(Thread):
   def __init__ (self,ip):
      self.ip = ip
      self.status = -1
   def run(self):
      pingaling = os.popen("ping -q -c2 "+self.ip,"r")
      while 1:
        line = pingaling.readline()
        if not line: break
        igot = re.findall(testit.lifeline,line)
        if igot:
           self.status = int(igot[0])

testit.lifeline = re.compile(r"(\d) received")
report = ("No response","Partial Response","Alive")

print time.ctime()

pinglist = []

for host in range(1,4): # Change the IP range here
   ip = "192.168.1."+str(host)
   current = testit(ip)

for pingle in pinglist:
   print "Status from ",pingle.ip,"is",report[pingle.status]

print time.ctime()

 Posted by :
  Jayanthi GM (Course Instructor for Java , PESIT )
  Prashanth Raghu ( Student Assistant )

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Core dumping of runtime allocated memory

Hello Folks , today we are going to demonstrate a simple application , which can generate the core dump of the memory allocated to objects at runtime.

Below is illustrated a simple c++ program , along with a trial run of the output try it and a fair analysis yields the fact about allocation of memory to the objects at runtime .

As an enhancement  , we can compile the program twice into 2 object files , and then run them simultaneously on two terminals , with considerable delay to affix the illustrated concept .

// The program is to be tested in any Linux environment
// We have tested the program in Fedora core 12

#define MARKERSIZE 5
#define BEGMARKER "" set it to
#define ENDMARKER "
" set it to

using namespace std;

class A
    char beginA[MARKERSIZE];
    int i;
    char b;
    char endA[MARKERSIZE];

    A() : i(0xabcd), b('X')
        std::cout << "CTOR" << std::endl;

        std::cout << "DTOR" << std::endl;

    void displayme()
        printf("ADDR BEG = %p\n",beginA);
        printf("ADDR I = %p\n", &i);
        printf("ADDR B = %p\n", &b);
        printf("ADDR END = %p\n",endA);

int main()
    for(int i=0 ; i<10 ; ++i)
        A *a = new A();
        //delete a; remove this comment in the second run .
       //send a SIGSEGV signal to generate core
    pid_t pid = getpid();

Trial Run :

ADDR BEG = 0x8fca008
ADDR I = 0x8fca010
ADDR B = 0x8fca014
ADDR END = 0x8fca015
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca020
ADDR I = 0x8fca028
ADDR B = 0x8fca02c
ADDR END = 0x8fca02d
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca038
ADDR I = 0x8fca040
ADDR B = 0x8fca044
ADDR END = 0x8fca045
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca050
ADDR I = 0x8fca058
ADDR B = 0x8fca05c
ADDR END = 0x8fca05d
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca068
ADDR I = 0x8fca070
ADDR B = 0x8fca074
ADDR END = 0x8fca075
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca080
ADDR I = 0x8fca088
ADDR B = 0x8fca08c
ADDR END = 0x8fca08d
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca098
ADDR I = 0x8fca0a0
ADDR B = 0x8fca0a4
ADDR END = 0x8fca0a5
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca0b0
ADDR I = 0x8fca0b8
ADDR B = 0x8fca0bc
ADDR END = 0x8fca0bd
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca0c8
ADDR I = 0x8fca0d0
ADDR B = 0x8fca0d4
ADDR END = 0x8fca0d5
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca0e0
ADDR I = 0x8fca0e8
ADDR B = 0x8fca0ec
ADDR END = 0x8fca0ed
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca008
ADDR I = 0x8fca010
ADDR B = 0x8fca014
ADDR END = 0x8fca015
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca020
ADDR I = 0x8fca028
ADDR B = 0x8fca02c
ADDR END = 0x8fca02d
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca038
ADDR I = 0x8fca040
ADDR B = 0x8fca044
ADDR END = 0x8fca045
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca050
ADDR I = 0x8fca058
ADDR B = 0x8fca05c
ADDR END = 0x8fca05d
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca068
ADDR I = 0x8fca070
ADDR B = 0x8fca074
ADDR END = 0x8fca075
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca080
ADDR I = 0x8fca088
ADDR B = 0x8fca08c
ADDR END = 0x8fca08d
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca098
ADDR I = 0x8fca0a0
ADDR B = 0x8fca0a4
ADDR END = 0x8fca0a5
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca0b0
ADDR I = 0x8fca0b8
ADDR B = 0x8fca0bc
ADDR END = 0x8fca0bd
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca0c8
ADDR I = 0x8fca0d0
ADDR B = 0x8fca0d4
ADDR END = 0x8fca0d5
ADDR BEG = 0x8fca0e0
ADDR I = 0x8fca0e8
ADDR B = 0x8fca0ec
ADDR END = 0x8fca0ed

A prerequisite b4 we run the program ,
run the following command:

[]#ulimit -l unlimited

to set the core dump size to unlimited .

Original Article at :

Authored by :

Jayanthi GM ( Course Instructor for Java ,PESIT )
Prashanth Raghu ( Student Assitant )

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Small post on Java Virtual Machines

We have synonymously able to link java Virtual machines ( JVM ) and Sun Microsystems , but as we waded through the web , we found that there exists several proprietary implementations of the Virtual Machine.

As of today we just propose a link to the site . Enjoy this small post !!!!!

Link :

Posted By,
Jayanthi GM ( Course Instructor for Java , PESIT )
Prashanth Raghu ( Student Assistant )

Friday, February 5, 2010

Accessing twitter data from java - jtwitter API jweet it !!!!!!!

This article is to be an introduction for usage of the jtwitter API. This code is a simple application which can obtain the profile images of the user who logs in .

Prerequisites :
1) Twitter account
2) Fundamentals of java.
3) Download the jtwitter API from :[jtwitter].
4) Use the code given below , after importing the jtwitter API to your project.


package twitterclient;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter;
import winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.User;

* @author Jayanth GM & Prashanth Raghu
public class Main {

* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here

Twitter t = new Twitter("user name","password");
List followers = t.getFollowers("User twitter name");

Iterator iterator = followers.iterator();
User current =;



Original Article : [original]

Posted By :
Jayanthi GM[Course Instructor Java , PES Institute of technology]
Prashanth Raghu[Student Assistant]

Feel free to comment.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Java Card Technology - An Introduction

As Prof.Ali Toyserkani puts it :

                               Java Card = Java + Card   !!!!!!

The platform aims at enabling java for smart cards , to be deployed on small embedded devices , such as cost - effective moblie phones.

The best example of a smart card is the SIM Card       (SIM -> Subscriber Identity Module ) .
Other Examples are : Credit Card , Purchase Cards etc ..

The Java Card technology , when enabled on smart cards , are able to process architecture - independent java programs to enable it's functioning.
The Java Card enabled devices is strictly adhered to the standards of the Java Card Technology.

Smart Cards : 

       Reference :

A Java Card by model has these fundamental aspects :
1) A Java VM and a OS below it.
2)  Java API's .

The technology , interacts with an off court application , which is used for the back end support and user card entry.

The current version of Java Card Technology is 3.0 which is in two flavours :

1) Classic edition , which is used for backward compatibility with version Java Card 2.2.2.
2) Connected edition , which also adds netwok - oriented features .

For more information  visit :
 1) Smart Cards
  2) Java Card Technology

Please feel free to comment.

Article by :
Jayanthi GM ( Java Course Instructor , PES Insitute Of Technology)
Prashanth Raghu (Student Assistant)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Strongly required across network environment

- Safety of network-mobile code.

A java program must play only inside its sandbox.

- Can do anything within the boundaries of its sandbox, but cannot take any action outside boundaries.

- It cannot create  a new process, load a new dynamic library and directly call a native method.

- Reading and writing to the local disk is not possible .

- Make network connections to any other host than the own server.

-Welcomes code from any source.

-Restricts code from untrusted sources , by making a distinction between the standard java API and the other sources.

-Hence, there is always  virus free or bug free code ( Taken care by sandbox).

- can create a sanbox ( using the framework )and as well use sandbox created by others.

Components of sandbox:

  • Class loader architecture (Verifies the class files at load time).
  • Class file verifier( Verifies the integrity at runtime )
  • Security manager and java API
more details will be posted in the next post......keep blogging.............